HP partners with Debrett’s to offer 10 tips on maintaining professional standards while working from home
We’ve heard plenty of stories about employees not being on their best behaviours during hybrid meetings — from wearing pyjamas, walking around the room, interrupting others on Zoom calls or doing other work while the meeting is ongoing.
These actions may appear light-hearted and forgivable at first, granted how some employees are still adjusting to new workplace arrangements, but over time, these behaviours can be viewed as unprofessional if not addressed properly.
Poly, part of HP’s portfolio of hybrid work solutions, partnered with etiquette authority Debrett’s to develop a global etiquette for hybrid workplaces, ruling many of the hybrid “quirks” as things to avoid.
“The shift to hybrid work was so abrupt, we’ve not really taken stock of how our behaviour should change to accommodate this new way of working,” says Poly APJ senior director hybrid work solutions and peripherals Bill Zeng, in
“Should we be amending our behaviour to make hybrid work and hybrid meetings feel more normal? For example, waving at the end of calls or having neutral virtual backgrounds. Thinking about how to make hybrid meetings feel more natural will create an equal meeting experience, whether people are in the room or dialling in from home.”